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The ability to lead a coaching conversations is a transformational leadership skill which all managers should have to get the best out of their team members. Through coaching, you can help people become more self-aware, draw their own conclusions about what improvements they need to make and empower them to take responsibility for their actions so they can own their own development. This course is about how to lead transformational coaching conversations to get the best of out people.
• Understand the power of peer coaching to create fresh thinking to solve problems in the workplace
• Learn how to lead coaching conversations with others to create trust and connection
• Learn how to self-coach for long term mental fitness and help develop a coaching culture in your team/company
• Interrupt negative automatic thoughts before they disrupt our effective communication skills
Those who attend this course report that they:
• Have new ways of tackling difficult conversations with colleagues
• Gain greater cooperation and engagement from coaching conversations than traditional feedback conversations
• Use self-coaching for their own development